
Who we are

The Cosmetic Cluster.PT is a complementary organ of AEBB - Associação Empresarial da Beira Baixa, private association without lucrative purposes of public utility, based in the city of Covilhã, in Portugal, and has the objective to promote the sustainable development and the competitiveness of the cosmetic sector value chain.
Formally created the complementary body in 2022, it has concerted activity since 2016, and has been growing in number of members from the cosmetics sector, currently integrating more than 30 Portuguese companies.
It wants to become the leading association in the cosmetics sector in Portugal, being represented in international networking dedicated to internationalisation and innovation in cosmetics.
It boosts internationalisation, innovation, training and digital transformation and green transition, working for the sustainable development and competitiveness of the Portuguese cosmetics sector value chain, with competence and professionalism, integrity and ethics and creativity and innovation.
It is an accredited training entity (VET), certified by DGERT, in several areas of education and training.
He is a founding partner of the first worldwide network of cosmetics clusters - Global Cometics Cluster – World wide Beauty Connections Network, as there presentative of Portugal. It is the first international network of clusters dedicated to innovation in cosmetics and consists of 25 clusters (from 17 countries) from the entire cosmetics value chain on an international scale.
It is also a partner in the European the thematic platform S3, recently promoted by the European Union on industrial modernisation - Digital transition and Green transition - in the cosmetics sector, called Go4Cosmetics which aims to foster inter-regional cooperation in Europe to promote a value chain in European cosmetics.
GO4Cosmetics S3P is composed of 7 official partner Regions: Centre-Val De Loire (FR), Lombardy Region (IT), Catalonia Region (ES), Central Region (PT), Olomouc Region (CZ), Sardinia Region (IT), North West (RO). Centre-Val De Loire and Lombardy Region are co-leader of the Go4Cosmetics partnership; Cosmetic Valley and REI – Reindustria Innovazione.
Cosmetic Cluster.PT has been, through out its activity, consolidating there presentation of Portuguese companies in the cosmetics sector. Moreover, it is involved in the dynamics of developing the value chain of endogenous aromatic and medicinal plants produced nationally, in line with an approach of valorisation of these resources as ingredients for cosmetic products.
In summary, the work of the Cosmetic Cluster.PT in the cosmetic industry sector has been carried out both in the perspective of valorisation of the natural ingredient, the industrialisation of the productive process, and the qualification of the companies for internationalisation, in a constant valorisation of R&D and its transfer to the market.  

Our mission

Cosmetic Cluster.PT its mission is to drive internationalisation, innovation, training and digital transformation and green transition, working for the sustainable development and competitiveness of the Portuguese cosmetics sector value chain, with competence and professionalism, integrity and ethics and creativity and innovation, identifying and promoting business opportunities.
Cosmetic Cluster.PT
aims to become the leading association in the cosmetics sector in Portugal, representing it self in international networks dedicated to internationalisation and innovation in the cosmetics sector.

Strategic objectives

To identify and promote models and processes of knowledge and technology transfer, agile and effective for the entrepreneurial tissue, adapted to their needs, in a perspective of economic and commercial valorisation of the cosmetics value chain.

To institute a true "sector mentality" by promoting dialogue and cooperation among the various public and private players, reinforcing synergies for strategic competitiveness and creating competitive advantages that ensure the sustainability of companies and business promotion.

To promote the internationalisation of cosmetics sector companies, namely through business training processes for internationalisation and the development of internationalisation support projects, namely, participation in fairs, international missions and reverse missions.

To strengthen and develop an environment favourable to the creation and development of new businesses as well as scientific and highly qualified employment.

Accelerate the green and digital transition of companies in the cosmetics industry by encouraging the development of a global ecosystem of innovative and responsible cosmetics companies.